
  • HTSlib: A great C library for reading/writing high-throughput sequencing data.
  • BOOST: A free peer-reviewed portable C++ source libraries. SHAPEIT4 uses two specific BOOST libraries: iostreams and program_options.
# git 2.x
$ sudo rpm -Uvh
$ sudo yum install git

# gcc 7.x
$ sudo yum install centos-release-scl
$ sudo yum install devtoolset-7
$ scl enable devtoolset-7 bash

# zstd
$ git clone
$ cd vcpkg
$ ./
$ ./vcpkg integrate install
$ ./vcpkg install zstd

# HTSlib
$ wget
$ tar -xvf htslib-1.10.2.tar.bz2
$ cd htslib-1.10.2
$ make && sudo make install

$ wget
$ tar -xvf boost_1_73_0.tar.bz2
$ cd boost_1_73_0
$ ./
$ ./b2 install

# export path of 'pyconfig.h'
$ export CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH="$CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH:/home/user/python3/"


$ git clone
$ cd shapeit4
$ locate libboost_program_options.a libboost_iostreams.a libhts.a
$ emacs makefile
HTSLIB_INC (line 5): path to the HTSlib header files
HTSLIB_LIB (line 6): path to the static HTSlib library (file libhts.a)
BOOST_INC (line 9): path to the BOOST header files (often /usr/include)
BOOST_LIB_IO (line 10): path to the static BOOST iostreams library (file libboost_iostreams.a)
BOOST_LIB_PO (line 11): path to the static BOOST program_options library (file libboost_iostreams.a)

Add libraries (line 32): DYN_LIBS=-lz -lbz2 -lm -lpthread -llzma -lcurl -lssl -lcrypto 

$ make

UKBioBank data

In order to download UKBioBank data, the program is needed.

$ wget -nd
$ chmod 755 ukbgene

* A summary of the file types and groups is given in the table below:
Data type   Group   Filename(s) How to obtain
Calls BED   Anon    ukb_cal_chrN_vZ.bed EGA or ukbgene cal
Calls BIM   Anon    ukb_snp_chrN_vZ.bim Resource 1963, ukb_snp_bim.tar
Calls FAM   Link    ukbA_cal_chrN_vZ_sP.fam ukbgene cal -m
Marker-QC   Static  ukb_snp_qc.txt  Resource 1955, ukb_snp_qc.txt
Sample-QC   Anon    ukb_sqc_vZ.txt  EGA or standard fields in Category 100313
Relatedness Link    ukbA_rel_sP.txt ukbgene rel
Imputation BGEN Anon    ukb_imp_chrN_vZ.bgen    EGA or ukbgene imp
Imputation BGI  Anon    ukb_bgi_chrN_vZ.bgi Resource 1965, ukb_imp_bgi.tar
Imputation MAF+info Anon    ukb_mfi_chrN_vZ.txt Resource 1967, ukb_imp_mfi.tar
Imputation sample   Link    ukbA_imp_chrN_vZ_sP.sample  ukbgene imp -m
Haplotypes BGEN Anon    ukb_hap_chrN_vZ.bgen    ukbgene hap
Haplotypes BGI  Anon    ukb_hbg_chrN_vZ.bgi Resource 1671, ukb_hap_bgi.tar
HLA Imputation  Anon    ukb_hla_vZ.txt  EGA or Field 22182
Intensity   Anon    ukb_int_chrN_vZ.bin EGA or ukbgene int
Confidences Anon    ukb_con_chrN_vZ.txt EGA or ukbgene con
CNV log2r   Anon    ukb_l2r_chrN_vZ.txt EGA or ukbgene l2r
CNV baf Anon    ukb_baf_chrN_vZ.txt EGA or ukbgene baf
SNP-posterior   Static  ukb_snp_posterior_chrN.bin  Resource 1817, ukb_snp_posterior.tar
SNP-posterior X BIM Static  ukb_snp_posterior_chrX_haploid.bim  Resource 1817, ukb_snp_posterior.tar
Batch   Static  ukb_snp_posterior.batch Resource 1968, ukb_snp_posterior.batch